3 Methods To...

Power Up Your Privates

Let's get ready to come out of "Sheltering-In-Place" moving some butts and taking down names...of new students!

Social dances and big events may be postponed well into the future but people are still craving their dance time!

With private and semi private lessons we can still thrive as dance teachers and keep our dance communities connected and alive.

What We Will Cover

Andrew's Topic:
The 3-Part Evaluation To Improve & Inspire Your Students

Struggling to figure out what to teach your students next? This training will teach you the 5-minute evaluation process that helps you identify what is most important to work on with each student to improve them the fastest & then how to inspire your student to actually want to work on it!

Emily's Topic:
Mind Reading to Increase Your Impact

Boost your student’s desire to learn and ability to retain what you teach by speaking ‘their language.’ In this class we are going to become mind readers! Or at least begin the process of reading our students and knowing exactly what to say to leave them feeling like you ‘get’ them in a way that other teachers just don’t. 

Ted's Topic:
Get Live Teaching Feedback

Watch 6 instructors teach something of their choice to the group. From non-dance topics like “how to choose your outfit” to "creating flow in Tango" to "using a blanket to improve your dancing". While they teach, watch them get live feedback and adjust their teaching, so you can instantly get to see the impact these changes have on their lessons.

How We Create More Impact For You

For each of the 3 topics, you get:

  • pre-training assignments to prepare you to have the best experience possible
  • a 10 minute intoductory training so you understand the core elements of each topic
  • a 60 minute recording of instructors implemeting each topic and getting feedback so you can see more detailed advice for how to improve your delivery of each topic
  • a follow up assignment to take your teaching to the next level (for Ted & Andrew's topics)

In total, you are getting over 3 hrs and 31 minutes of training to improve your teaching!

About the Workshop

"real, actionable work that you can immediately put into practice...."

I got much more than I expected. I was expecting something that was mostly a sales pitch, but this was all good value...it is hard for me to see how you could fit in more.

This is an opportunity to work with three teachers who are at the top of their game in working with instructors to help them improve the ways they help their own students. Not an excuse for marketing to you, this is real, actionable work that you can immediately put into practice.

David Phillips  //  Argentine Tango Instructor, Texas

The Team

We teamed up (for the first time!) to bring you a unique online training to help you rock your private lessons.

Combining our decades of teaching experience, you are sure to learn some very powerful private lesson techniques. 

Andrew Sutton - Founder of DanceNinjas

Andrew has helped dance teachers drastically improve & get rave reviews on their private lessons, get paid as much as $260/hr, go from 0 to 40 students in less than 1 month, travel the world teaching dance, make over $126,000.00 in 6 days teaching dance online, & much more. Andrew's mission is to help you become a kick-ass successful teacher as he believes you are the lifeblood of dance!

Emily Webb - Owner of Mission Fusion

Through her years of teaching experience Emily has refined her communication, deepened her understanding of student psychology, and created special ‘hacks’ to get students to learn faster and retain more. Whether teaching private classes, small groups, or 100+ students, Emily has tricks up her sleeve to help you deliver top-shelf classes that will keep your students coming back to you over and over again.

Ted Maddry - Badass Teacher Trainer

Born into two families of teachers, Ted has been learning the craft of teaching since he could hold a bow. Ted’s specialties include providing you a mirror to see yourself as your students see you, pointing out any speed bumps that interrupt your student experience, and giving you immediate opportunities to practice refinements with live coaching (which he provided during this training). 

Purchase The Training

If just one student took just one more private lesson from you because of what you learned from this training, how much would that be worth to you?

Whenever I'm buying a product to improve my teaching, I (Andrew) like to ask myself that question...or with higher priced products, I'll ask myself something like "How many students would need to take at least one more private lesson from me to make this worthwhile?

Of course, only you can answer that question for yourself but we hope we've priced this so it is a no-brainer for just about anyone teaching dance.

Power Up Your Privates
  • Online Workshop Recordings
  • Assignments To Enhance Your Experience
  • Instructor Feedback Recordings


What Others Say

Kathrin Schallenberg WCS Instructor, Germany

...improve your private lessons...super well organized & helpful...

...a very interactive workshop on how to improve your private lessons with regards to:

1. the way you can improve communication with students by taking into account their personal needs,

2. how you can improve the lesson and the extent to which the students feel seen with regards to what they want to learn and also by making them understand why what you're teaching is worthwhile, and

3. how you can improve your teaching by receiving immediate feedback, which in classes we never really receive.

...I thought all the teachers were very appreciative and clear in their instructions...I thought the breakout rooms etc. were super well organized and I really enjoyed the opportunity to practice and receive feedback...

I liked thinking about personality types and thinking about how to talk about topics in order to get the students interested in topics they might not be crazy about. I liked the structure of the first five minutes of the privates, I think that's super helpful...

Really appreciated the workshop!

David Phillips Argentine Tango Instructor

Real, actionable work that you can immediately put into practice.

This is an opportunity to work with three teachers who are at the top of their game in working with instructors to help them improve the ways they help their own students. Not an excuse for marketing to you, this is real, actionable work that you can immediately put into practice.

I got much more than I expected...this was so packed with good, prepared presentations, and of a good time length overall, so it is hard for me to see how you could fit in more.

I used Andrew's 5-minute evaluation almost immediately after the workshop. I will want to practice and keep that. Ted's comments to me and others are really helpful tune-ups, and with what you've done here it prompts me to go look at the other breakouts.

Scheduling, Length of time, Teachers. It was among the best meetings of this type that I've participated in.

Lauren C. Daniels

...loved every minute of it...unbeatable.

Andrew, Ted, and Emily’s class was great! I signed up for the early bird which, as they noted, was open before they had even set their curriculum. I placed this trust in them because I have taken classes with him before, and loved every minute of it. (When I mentioned this during the webinar, other students know that they had done the same thing) This class is not disappoint either! While each teacher has a very unique approach to their teaching styles, they mesh well together, and their rapport is unbeatable.

About Andrew

"the business and marketing expertise for dancers that I need"

"There is no other person or company I've found that has anywhere near the business and marketing expertise for dancers that I need and you have."

Myles & Tessa // WCS Champions - Vancouver, Canada

About Emily

"one of the best teachers I’ve ever had..."

“Emily Webb is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had and I’ve been taking classes in yoga and dance for over 14 years!” 

Stewart Alsop  //  Experienced Dancer, San Francisco

About Ted

"Ted’s live feedback class is one of the most effective ways I’ve found to improve my teaching."

“After traveling all over the world, teaching in 40+ countries and having taken from virtually every big name Swing dance instructor in the world (usually multiple times), I can confidently say Ted’s live feedback class is one of the most effective ways I’ve found to improve my teaching. Those of you who know me, know that I take teaching dance very very seriously. So when I say Ted’s classes are effective, I'm not blowing smoke up your.... After all, this is why I asked him to be a part of this training.”

Andrew Sutton  //  Vice World Lindy Hop Champion & Traveling Instructor, Earth


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