Success! Here Are Your Monthly Membership Details

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Headshot Andrew Sutton Yellow Centered

Andrew Sutton

Founder – Dance Ninjas

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Congratulations, buy more about  [xyz-ips snippet=”First-Name”]!

I’m excited for you!

You just took a huge step in improving your dancing!

You now have access to our 6 Core Lessons with Video Classes, Written Notes, & Extreme Practice Drills PLUS Monthly Live Coaching Calls & over 30 more videos in our Coaching Call Vault PLUS a few Bonus Video Classes PLUS a few other bonuses that we decided to add in for free because we like to over deliver!

Accessing Your Core Lessons, Vault, & Bonuses

Please Allow 15 Minutes For Your Access To Be Granted

Your login & password have been sent to the email below.

If you did not receive access for some reason, double check your inbox & spam folder for an email with the subject line that includes “Your Membership Details”.

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If the email above is incorrect, email us at [email protected].

Step 1. Log In From Our Emails

Step 2. Click on Core Lessons (or browse the members area)

We recommend starting with the Core Lesson for “Making Every Dance More Amazing”

Step 3. Improve Your Dancing!  🙂

Dance It Out!

Andrew Sutton[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Get Our Dance Instructor Blueprint

Use this blueprint to take your dance instruction to the next level, giving you more gigs and students.

  • The 3 fundamentals to becoming an in-demand, sought-after, or world class dance instructor
  • How to turn your students into raving fans that come back to your classes year after year
  • Works for any partner dance: lindy hop, blues, salsa, ballroom, fusion, west coast swing, tango