Andrew Sutton
Founder - Dance Ninjas
Congratulations, fellow Dance Ninja!
I’m excited for you!
You just took a huge step in improving your dancing!
You now have access to our 6 Core Lessons with Video Classes, Written Notes, & Extreme Practice Drills PLUS over 30 more videos in our Coaching Call Vault PLUS a few Bonus Video Classes PLUS a few other bonuses that we decided to add in for free because we like to over deliver!
Accessing Your Core Lessons, Vault, & Bonuses
Please Allow 15 Minutes For Your Access To Be Upgraded
Your login & password have been sent to the email below.
If you did not receive access for some reason, double check your inbox & spam folder for an email with the subject line that includes “Your Membership Details”.
Login ID:
If the email above is incorrect or missing, email us at [email protected].
Step 1. Log In From Our Emails
Step 2. Click on Core Lessons (or browse the members area)
- We recommend starting with the Core Lesson for “Making Every Dance More Amazing (aka: So Good You'll Want Seconds)”
Step 3. Improve Your Dancing!
That's it...
Dance It Out!
Andrew Sutton